Wednesday, 8 August 2012


The end of July~
After the end of medical exam, Year 1 finished. Time passed so fast until I don't really feel how my life was. A busying life~A challenging life~

4 more days until my holidays, the longest holidays which I never have before- 1 MONTH ^^). I do really want to enjoy this holidays before I'm getting into Year 2. So much of things I wish to do.   

In the mean time, I'm doing my elective program-"Microarray-A breakthrough of medicine? " What  the XX is that ?! The first sentence came into my mind. Of course you won't know because that's the new technology and not so prominent in Malaysia. But after the lab visit, info searching and so on, now I'm clear about it. A short lecture for you all after this...^^

A microarray is a tool for analyzing gene expression that constitute new biomarkers to detect and measure gene expression. It enables to simultaneously measure the level of activity of thousands of genes to find mutations and to locate chromosomal changes. We do about Colon Cancer. In other words, we need to explain what's the biomarkers and how the pathogenesis involved in Colon Cancer patients.^^

What I always told myself " 成功是因为态度,找方法而不是找借口“. That meant A success of a person is because of his attitude, always try to find a solution instead of finding excuse. Even how hard the matter is, try to work hard on it because your attitude is very important.

Kc Signing  Off

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mr KC. I like what you wrote " 成功是因为态度,找方法而不是找借口". This sentence really motivated me =)
    All the best in your year 2 MBBS =)
